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日期:2023-02-09 点击量: 1399


2023 2 8 日,以马军(云南师范大学地理学部测绘工程专业2014 级本科生,2018-2020年为俄罗斯伏尔加国立技术大学森林可持续管理与远程监测中心生态与自然管理专业硕士研究生,现为俄罗斯托木斯克国立大学地质与地理学院地球生态学专业博士研究生)为第一作者,王金亮教授为通讯作者所撰写的题为“Global Leaf Area Index Research over the Past 75 Years: A Comprehensive Review and Bibliometric Analysis”的学术论文在SCIE期刊 Sustainability (中科院SCI期刊分区:202112月基础版三区,202212月最新升级版三区,2022IF 3.889)上线发表 (https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043072)


叶面积指数(Leaf Area IndexLAI)作为植被结构和生长状况的重要指标和生态参数被广泛应用。为深入了解LAI的研究现状和前沿动态,以Web of Science(WOS)Science Citation Index Expanded(SCI-E)引文数据库1947—202175年间LAI研究文献数据为数据源,使用BibliometrixBibliometric 平台和VOSviewer 软件等,借助文献计量方法对检索到的数据进行描述性统计、发文量分析、学科分析、作者分析,论文影响力分析以及关键词分析。结果表明:(11947—2021 年共发表LAI研究文献22,276篇,文章数量总体呈逐年递增的趋势。根据文献增长特点,可以将LAI研究划分为孵化期(1947-1990)、培育期(1991-1999)、发展期(2000-2005)、加速期(2006-2015)以及爆发期(2016-20215个阶段。(2)不同阶段的研究力量呈现不同特点,其中美国在各个时期的总发文量、总被引量和平均被引量均位居世界第一,排名前10个最活跃的研究机构也都位于美国,且在国际科研合作中处于核心地位,美国与多个国家在研究主题上具有显著相似度,是领跑和推动LAI研究的主要力量。其次中国,接下来是加拿大和法国。(3)相关学科交叉广泛,涉及农业、环境科学与生态学、遥感、图像科学与摄影技术、地质学、植物学、林学等领域,其中农业是研究LAI最多的领域,环境科学与生态学以及遥感科学与其他学科领域联系较密切;(4)未来随着Google Earth Engine 云计算平台和无人机技术的发展,将为LAI的研究提供更多重要支持和有效服务。本文研究结果定量展示了LAI研究的发展历程、研究热点和应用情况,为了解全球LAI研究现状及发展态势,以及各相关学科发展和未来方向提供参考。


Fig 1. Scientific production of the leaf -area -index-related literature in each stage from 1947 to 2021.


Fig 2. Network map showing research collaboration between countries. The size of the nodes (dots) in the figure represents the number of papers that were produced by the country. The larger the node, the greater the number of papers, and the more connections, the more cooperating countries. The thickness of the connection represents the depth of the cooperative relationship between the two countries. The thicker it is, the deeper the cooperation depth. The number of connections represents the size of the subject’s cooperation breadth, that is, the number of cooperation objects. The more connections, the greater the cooperation breadth


Fig 3. Total and average number of citations in the top 10 most highly cited countries.


Fig 4. Temporal evolution of the top ten most productive Web of Science research areas in leaf -area -index-related literature.


Fig 5. Top 20 keywords with the most occurrences. Abbreviations: LAI, leaf area index; NDVI, normalized difference vegetation index; Modis, moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer.


Fig 6. Temporal trends in the author keywords. The location of the blue dot is the median of the publication year, the green dot indicates the first quantile of the publication year, the orange dot is the third quantile of the publication year, and the size of the dot reflects the number of papers. The size of the blue dot in the middle is proportional to the frequency of the keyword. The larger the dot, the higher the frequency of the keyword. The gray line segment connected by the three points indicates the length of time that the keyword has been continuously used in the academic community. The longer the line segment is, the longer the keyword has been continuously used.

该论文得到了王金亮教授主持的云南省高校科技创新团队,国家重点研发计划多政府国际科技创新合作重点项目 “利用地理空间技术进行土地利用/土地覆盖变化对生态安全影响的环境监测与评估”(2018YFE0184300),国家自然科学基金项目 (41961060),国家公派2020年赴俄乌白专业人才培养计划(202008090261)共同资助。

这是马军同学博士期间撰写的学术论文(详见录 12),也是王金亮教授导师团队 2023年发表的第2 SCI/SCIE 论文((详见录 3),让我们恭喜马军同学!希望他再接再厉!也热烈祝贺团队取好成绩!


附录 1 论文相关信息

标题:Global Leaf Area Index Research over the Past 75 Years: A Comprehensive Review and Bibliometric Analysis

作者:Jun Ma 1,2, Jianpeng Zhang 1,3,4, Jinliang Wang 1,3,4,*, Vadim Khromykh 2, Jie Li 1,3,4 and Xuzheng Zhong 1,3,4

通讯作者:Jinliang Wang


1   Faculty of Geography, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China; majun@stud.tsu.ru (J.M.); jpzhang@user.ynnu.edu.cn (J.Z.); jieli@user.ynnu.edu.cn (J.L.); zxzxuzhen@njtc.edu.cn (X.Z.)

2   Department of Geology, Tomsk State University, Tomsk 634050, Russia; khromykh_vadim@mail.ru

3   Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing for Universities in Yunnan,
Kunming 650500, China

4   Center for Geospatial Information Engineering and Technology of Yunnan Province,
Kunming 650500, China

*   Correspondence: jlwang@ynnu.edu.cn; Tel.: +86-871-6594-1198

出版物: Sustainability


The leaf area index (LAI) is widely used as an important indicator and ecological parameter of vegetation structure and growth status, but the LAI lacks bibliometric analysis. To further understand the LAI’s research status and frontier dynamics, we used 75 years of data (1947–2021) from the Web of Science for scientific bibliometric analysis. The results showed that 22,276 LAI re-search papers were published from 1947 to 2021. According to the characteristics of the literature growth, LAI research can be divided into five stages: incubation, cultivation, acceleration, evolution, and outbreak periods. The research power at the different stages had different characteristics. The overall research power of the United States is number one globally, followed by China, Canada, and France. The related disciplines were widely varied, involving agriculture (the most studied field of LAI research), environmental science and ecology, remote sensing, and other fields. The development of the Google Earth engine, cloud computing platforms, and unmanned aerial vehicle technology will provide more critical support for LAI research. The results of this paper quantitatively show the development history, research hotspots, and application of LAI research and provide a reference for understanding the current situation and development trends of global LAI research.关键字:bibliometric; LAI; scientometrics analysis; network analysis; visualization; web of science


附录2 马军同学发表SCI论文清单


[1] Jun Ma, Jianpeng Zhang, Jinliang Wang *, Vadim Khromykh, Jie Li, Xuzheng Zhong. Global Leaf Area Index Research over the Past 75 Years: A Comprehensive Review and Bibliometric Analysis [J]. Sustainability, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043072  (中科院SCI期刊分区:202112月基础版三区,202212月最新升级版三区,2022IF 3.889)


附录 3 王金亮教授团队 2023 年发表论文清单


[1] Lei Liang, Jinliang Wang*, Fei Deng, Deyang Kong.Mapping Pu'er tea plantations from GF-1 images using Object-Oriented Image Analysis (OOIA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)[J]. PLOS ONE, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone. 0263969  (中科院SCI期刊分区:202112月最新基础版三区,升级版三区,2022IF 3.752)

[2] Jun Ma, Jianpeng Zhang, Jinliang Wang *, Vadim Khromykh, Jie Li, Xuzheng Zhong. Global Leaf Area Index Research over the Past 75 Years: A Comprehensive Review and Bibliometric Analysis [J]. Sustainability, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043072  (中科院SCI期刊分区:202112月基础版三区,202212月最新升级版三区,2022IF 3.889)


(云南高校资源与环境遥感重点实验室  供稿)