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Call for papers - ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 2018

日期:2018-04-27 点击量: 3870

ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 2018

3D Spatial Information Science - The Engine of Change


Delft, The Netherlands October 1 - 5, 2018



ISPRS TC IV Spatial Information sciences has a mandate of four years (2016-20120). During this period the Commission intends to further advance the research in Spatial information sciences considering both theoretical and practical aspects in modelling, structuring, management, analysis, visualization and simulation of data. The focus in the four year period is on 3D representations, integration of data from different domains (indoor/outdoor, above/below the surface, design/real world) and applying the information for a variety of applications. The research and developments within the commission are carried out within 10 WG and one ICWG, coordinated by 43 ISPRS officers and more than 100 members. The symposium is organised as part of GeoDelft 2018 (https://www.tudelft.nl/geodelft2018/).


Call for Papers

The ISPRS Technical Commission IV symposium highlights the work of the commission aiming to bring together researchers, professionals and users, to discuss, exchange ideas, and demonstrate new developments. It also provides a platform to learn users’ requirements.

Conference Topics and Themes


·         The symposium covers a broad range of topics, in line with the terms of reference of the WG:

·         Multi-dimensional Modelling

·         Ontologies, Semantics, and Knowledge Representation for Geospatial Information

·         Spatial Data Analysis, Statistics and Uncertainty Modelling

·         Collaborative Crowdsourced Cloud Mapping

·         Indoor/Outdoor Seamless Modelling, LBS and Mobility

·         SDI: Internet of Things and Spatial Decision Support

·         Geo-Data Management

·         GeoComputation and GeoSimulation

·         Geovisualization, Augmented and Virtual Reality

·         Advanced Geospatial Applications for Smart Cities and Regions

·         Global Mapping: Updating Verification and Interoperability


Important Dates

·         Full paper submission: March 31 2018

·         Abstract submission: April 30 2018

·         Notification of acceptance: May 15 2018

·         Final paper submission: June 15 2018


For further information please see attached flyer or contact us at:

E-mail ISPRS: isprs-cp-c4@isprs.org

E-mail Geo Delft 2018: GeoDelft2018_bk@tudelft.nl

Conference Websites: http://www.isprs.org/tc4-symposium2018/ , https://www.tudelft.nl/geodelft2018/