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Professor Wang and others went to Khon Kaen University in Thailand to attend the EU Erasmus IRSEL Project Management Meeting

日期:2018-12-16 点击量: 3792

Professor Jinliang Wang and others went to Khon Kaen University in Thailand to attend the EU Erasmus IRSEL Project Management Meeting

On November 26, 2018, Professor Jinliang Wang, Vice President of the College of Tourism and Geographical Sciences and Director of the Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing for Resources and Environment of Yunnan Universities, participated in the project management meeting of the European Union Erasmus+ (EU) Higher Education Exchange Project "Innovation of Remote Sensing Education and Learning" (IRSEL) hosted by Khon Kaen University, Thailand, accompanied by Dr. Zhang Huawei and Dr. Cheng Feng, teachers of the Travel College. The participants were from eight cooperative institutions of higher education in the project: the University of Obuda in Hungary, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Austria, the University of Jagelon in Poland, Twente University in the Netherlands, Fujian Normal University in China, Yunnan Normal University in China, Asian University of Technology in Thailand and Khon Kaen University in Thailand, with a total of 30 delegates.

IRSEL belongs to the European Union-funded Higher Education Exchange Project. Its main purpose is to promote remote sensing teaching and educational innovation in Universities of Asian countries. It mainly carries out remote sensing teaching materials development, remote sensing knowledge center development, learning platform development, academic and project management exchanges, as well as university equipment purchase in four universities of Asian county. The implementation period of the project is three years (2017/10/15-2020/10/15). The project will hold eight academic seminars and training sessions on project management, which will be organized in turn by eight higher education institutions who participating in the project cooperation. This meeting is the 1st Review Meeting, which belongs to the third meeting of the project. During the meeting, the partners reported the progress of the project and the phased results achieved, exchanged the problems in the process of project promotion, and discussed the detailed plan of work for the next phase of the project (Figure 1).


Fig.1 Agenda of the First Review Meeting of IRSEL

 Representatives of our university have had extensive exchanges with the participants. In the meeting, Professor Jinliang Wang reported the progress of Yunnan local project, discussed the details of equipment acquisition and knowledge center construction, and exchanged opinions on the problems in the process of project development. Especially for the project, how to effectively implement the project in the future and produce better results are discussed in depth with Professor Lorant, Project Consultant Bela and Professor Sha Jinming of Fujian Normal University. After discussion, the delegates reached consensus on various topics, further clarified the implementation plan and important time nodes of the project, and the meeting closed smoothly on November 29.


Fig.2 Professor Jinliang Wang made presentation on the project implementation


Fig.3  Group photo of Representatives of Yunnan Normal University and the project coordinator of Obuda University, Hungary

 (Contributed by Feng Cheng and Zhiyuan Liu)